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2011 Past Events
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Reportage I
Open to illustrators and authors
Immerse yourself for a day in observing, sketching, writing and sharing.
• Meet up with fellow SCBWI members
at a cafe near a Parisian landmark,
• Get your assignment,
• Spend several hours (on your own or in small groups) using your senses, tapping into your imagination and being creative,
• Finish by sharing your completed story board
or short story
Date: Saturday, March 5
Time: 10:00-6:00
Where: TBD
In order to attend you must RSVP by February 28!
For more information, please contact: advisor@scbwifrance.com
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16 |
What: Show & Tell

When: Wednesday, March 16 from 5:30-8:00pm
Where: Klay, 4 Bis Rue St Sauveur
_____75002 Paris, France
Metro: Sentier, Reamur-Sebastabol
Cost: You pay for your own drinks. They have tea, health drinks, wine and cocktails.
For more information, please contact:
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April 1 |
Cocktail Party, Literary Discussion,
and ...
Pitch Session with Agent
________________ John M. Cusick
Join us for a drink and share your thoughts on "The Hook and Heart of a Story". We will be joined by John Cusick, an agent at S©ott Treimel NY. He is also the author of the YA novel Girl Parts.
John will be available to meet with writers individually to evaluate pitches from 6:30-7:30pm. To be eligible to pitch your story, please submit the first 500 words as a properly formatted manuscript page which should include your name, email address and story title in the header.
The deadline for submitting is Monday, March 21 at 7pm.
S©ott Treimel NY opened in 1995 and represents children’s books, picture book through young adult, fiction, non-fiction, and illustration. In addition to handling his own clients, John reads submissions, develops manuscripts, reviews contracts, and aids in contract negotiations. He also manages STNY's international business. He attends the London Book Fair and Book Expo America, and is a member of the SCBWI and an Associate member of the AAR. His young adult novel, Girl Parts, was released by Candlewick in August 2010.
When: April 1, 5:30-8:00pm
Where: Near Opera, Paris.
Cost: 35 euros for SCBWI members,
____45 euros for nonmembers
Spaces are limited. To reserve a spot,
please contact Tioka. advisor@scbwifrance.com
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April 1 |
Young Authors’ Fiction Festival
In collaboration with
The American Library in Paris
Open To All Young Authors,
Kindergarten/Grande Section
– 12th Grade/Terminale,
Who Reside in the Paris Area and Write in English
Festival Submission Deadline:
1 April 2011
Festival Celebration: 10 June 2011
All festival participants are encouraged
to attend the Festival Celebration.
Festival finalists will be notified in late
May 2011.
For Contest Guidelines : pdf here
Flyer in pdf : here
Please Contact: yaff2011alp@gmail.com
On The American Library in Paris site:
"For Young Adults" and "For Children"
American library in Paris
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FLASH! Workshop
Plotting Your Way to Writing Success
with Siobhan Curham
A fun, interactive workshop designed to help writers get focused on their goals and help them achieve their writing dreams.
The exercises involved are all ones that I have used in my own career and have helped me to achieve publishing deals for seven books (non-fiction, adult fiction and YA fiction), plus newspaper and magazine columns and regular freelance work.
This workshop is about two hours long. In the first hour we focus on:
Writing achievements to date
Obstacles to writing success ie; lack of confidence, time constraints, rejection etc
How to overcome these obstacles and feel positive about our writing
Then, once everyone is in a nice positive frame of mind, in the second hour we move on to:
Setting short and long term writing goals
The 'Agent & Writer' exercise - where people work in pairs pretending to be each other's agents and working out how they would market one another
Constructing individual marketing plans in order to build a readership - with particular focus upon the internet and the power of blogging and social networks, but also brainstorming unique ways in which each writer can promote themselves and their work - even if they don't yet have a book published.
Cost:25 euros for SCBWI France members,
___35 euros for nonmembers.
Contact: advisor@scbwifrance.com
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Barbara McClintock
Spend the evening in the boheme neighborhood of Place St. Marthe and talk with author/illustrator Barbara McClintock, SCBWI members and friends over wine and a light tapas dinner. No host evening.
Reservations required: advisor@scbwifrance.com.
Date: Wednesday, April 2
Time: 7pm
Where:La Sardine
32 rue Sainte-Marthe, 75010
Metro: Goncourt or Belleville
(about a 10 minute walk from both)
For more information, please contact: advisor@scbwifrance.com
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Mary Ann Hoberman
Inspiring talk by Children's Poet Laureate
Mary Ann Hoberman
dinner by chef Diane Anthonissen
in central Paris.
40 euros for members
50 euros for nonmembers
Reservations required:
Date: Tuesday, Mai 3
Time: 7pm
Where: ...
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12 - 15 |
Retreat by the Sea

Who: Writer & Illustrator Diane Stanley
When: Thursday, May 12-Sunday, May 15
Where: Moelan-sur-Mer

For more information, please contact:
Contact :ARA Dana Carey
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Show & Tell Family Picnic
Bring your friends, bring your family
and bring some of your work to share during our potluck picnic to kick of the new season of SCBWI France.
Date: Thursday, June 2
Time: 6:30-9:00
Where:Eiffel Tour, lawn behind the “Pilier sud”
For more information, please contact: advisor@scbwifrance.com
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Summer Solstice Scrawl Crawl
for Writers & Illustrators
Date: Tuesday, June 21
Time: Dawn til Dusk (5:49 a.m. to 9:57 p.m.)
Where: all across the EU and further: the Netherlands, Scotland, Ireland, England, Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Israel .... Specific Scrawl Crawl rendez-vous will be posted soon.
Cost: Free, for SCBWI members
To register: Details to come
Once you get your password for the EU Summer Solstice Blog then post a message to introduce yourself to other Solstice Scrawlers. The blog goes live at dawn on June 21 and you have the entire, very long day to write and sketch then post your work. The theme for the scrawl crawl is Dawn to Dusk so feel free to:
wake up with the sun and use whatever inspiration a solstice sunrise gives you to write a few paragraphs or sketch a new day starting,
use the longest day of the year as an excuse to do a marathon of writing and sketching,
take a few moments throughout the day to think about one of your characters moving through their day or imagine how they might spend the longest day of their lives then write a scene, take down some dialogue, get out your watercolors,
do whatever feels right, but be sure to check in with the blog and post photos of yourself at work, share your thought and share your work.
If you are in Paris, you might want to meet other Solstice Scrawlers for a morning coffee, a mid-day break or a sunset toast. Specific locations will be announced soon.
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Tech Talk at the American Library
Starting the new year
as social network darling
You've been thinking about starting a blog, you know you need a top notch website, you don't have time for Twitter or Facebook but you do understand they're necessary evils and you want to be further on your way when 2011 rolls in. This is the event for you. We'll cover the basics and the fancy stuff. Don't forget to bring your laptops, your ideas and your questions.
Date: Tuesday, September 27
Time: 7:30-9:00pm
Where: American Library in Paris
10, rue du General Camou,
75007 Paris
We can either bring nibbles or go to a neighborhood resto for dinner.
For more information, please contact: advisor@scbwifrance.com
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2-3 |
Annual Conference
December 2-3
What it Takes
to Get Published Today
Registration is now officially open!
Date: December 2-3
Where: Parsons Paris,
located a few blocks away from the Eiffel Tower
Cost: 145 euros for SCBWI members, 195 euros for nonmembers.
Early registration discount extended
to November 6.
On November 7 the full conference rate goes into affect.
There are a limited number of one-on-one critiques with the faculty available. These twenty-minute sessions are 40 euros and a great opportunity to get feedback from a publishing professional. Dummies and portfolios should be brought to the conference. Only manuscripts (10 pages maximum or two picture books) received by November 19 are sure to be reviewed in advance.
Friday, December 2, 6:00-8:30pm
Workshops for Illustrators and Writers
Parsons Paris
Saturday, December 3, 9:15-6:00pm
Parsons Paris
9:15-9:30 Registration
9:30-6:00 Conference (panel, presentations, lunch, workshops and book sale)
Monday, December 5, 10:00am
Children’s Book Fair
10:00-12:20 Montreuil Salon Visit
(Partial List, stay tuned for last minute additions)
Click here for more information (bios)
To register, please contact
ARA and Conference Coordinator,
Dana Carey at: dcarey_ap@yahoo.fr
Nov 30 -
- 5 Dec |

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Show and Tell Potluck Dinner
Please come share delicious food, scintillating conversation and your work with other nice people who are passionate about creating books for children!
We are looking for a host for this event.
Please contact Aimee
When: TBA 2010
Where: We are looking for a host! Please contact us!
Time: 7:00pm-10:00pm
Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators