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Bridget Strevens-Marzo
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2008 Past Events |
January 10
Savoir-Faire 1/4 |
A four-part series led by published authors and illustrators
Four evenings of information-packed shop talks with pros. Find out about their creative process. Pick up tips. Learn how to market your work. Get feedback on your ideas. And ask lots of questions. Basically, come and gain some savoir-faire.
When: January 10, February 21, March 19 (or 20), May 15.
Where: WICE, 20, boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris
Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m
Members: 15 Euros for the series; 6 Euros per evening
Nonmembers: 25 Euros for the series; 8 Euros per evening
Maryann Macdonald
is the author of 21 fiction and nonfiction books for children, including LITTLE PIANO GIRL, forthcoming from Houghton Mifflin. Since moving to Paris, she has written the biography of a childhood Holocaust survivor who lived in France during the Occupation.

Savoir-Faire with Maryann Macdonald
WICE, 20, boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris
Join us for a shoptalk led by a published pro. Find out about her creative process. Pick up tips. Learn how to market your work. Get feedback on your ideas. And ask lots of questions. Basically, come and gain some savoir-faire.
For more info: Savoir_Faire_SCBwebflyer.pdf
Or contact: Tioka Tokedira |
January 24 |
Master Class Wrap-up/Critique Group
Volunteer to host this event!
For more info contact: Tioka |
24 - 27 January |
Agoulem BD Festival
For more info contact: Tioka |
February 7 |
Show and Tell
Volunteer to host this event!
Another evening to share your latest trials and triumphs as writers and illustrators. 7:30 pm
New members welcome!
For more info contact: Andi |
February 9-10 |
SCBWI Winter Conference in New York
February 21
Savoir-Faire 2/4 |
Marilyn Kaye
didn't achieve all her goals. She never became a movie star or a ballerina. But she's been a teacher and a librarian and most of all, a writer. Her latest project, PENELOPE, is a modern teen fairy tale based on a movie staring Christina Ricci and Reese Witherspoon.

Savoir-Faire with Marilyn Kaye
WICE, 20, boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris
Join us for a shoptalk led by a published pro. Find out about her
creative process. Pick up tips. Learn how to market your work. Get
feedback on your ideas. And ask lots of questions. Basically, come and
gain some savoir-faire.
For more info: Savoir_Faire_SCBwebflyer.pdf
Or contact: Tioka Tokedira |
March 6 |
Show and Tell
SCBWI has organized another evening to share your latest trials and triumphs as writers and illustrators. 7:30 pm
Where: Yukié Matsushita’s place in the 2th arr. Paris, France
New members welcome!
For more info contact: Yukié |
March 19
Savoir-Faire 3/4 |
Pedro de Alcantara's
most recent book, BEFIDDLED, recounts the story of 13-year-old Becky Cohen, a budding violinist who battles against stage fright, a mean music teacher, and bad hair. Becky’s allies include an older man who teaches her how to improvise at the violin and play from her heart.

Savoir-Faire with Pedro de Alcantara
WICE, 20, boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris
Join us for a shoptalk led by a published pro. Find out about his
creative process. Pick up tips. Learn how to market your work. Get
feedback on your ideas. And ask lots of questions. Basically, come and
gain some savoir-faire.
For more info: Savoir_Faire_SCBwebflyer.pdf
Or contact: Tioka Tokedira |
Art, Craft, and Wicked Commerce
SCBWI France
Kathleen Duey Mentorship Program Paris
25 March 2008 - Kathleen Duey Master Class. First in a series of two classes.
Second class will be held 8 April 2008.
Both classes at the American Librarie, 10 av General Camou, Paris 7 at 19:30.
You do not have to be signed up for the mentorship program to attend the classes.
10 Euros/one class; 18 Euros/two classes.
Contact Erzsi.Deak@gmail.com with any questions.
Click here to reserve your space now: Form
Duey takes the art--and the business--of writing for young people very seriously. During this week-long mentoring program, she will share her insights, answer questions, give in-depth one-on-one craft critiques, and help each writer choose--and chart--a career path.
Outline of program:
• Tuesday, March 25, General meeting and presentation
• Wednesday-Thursday March 26 & 27, 1st Round Mentorship Meetings
(30 minutes each)
• Monday-Tuesday April 7 & 8, 2nd Round Mentorship Meetings
(30 minutes each)
• Tuesday, April 8, General meeting and closing
You will need to send Kathleen your work-in-progress by February 15, 2007.
SCBWI Members 80 Euros. Non-members 85 Euros
Questions? Erzsi Deak
First-come, first-served. Click here to reserve your space now: Form
Please check here for updates
or contact Erzsi Deak
with "Duey Mentorship Paris" in the subject line for more information. |
March 29-30 |
SCBWI Bologna Biennial Conference
Featuring super-famous authors and illustrators, editors and art directors and agents!
Join us in Bologna, Italy, the weekend before the Bologna Children's Book Fair for a weekend packed with information and serious networking and workshopping, and then attend the Fair. Registration will become possible in the next week or so. Space is limited, so think about pre-registering.
For more info contact: Bologna(at)scbwi.org |
March 29-30 |
SCBWI Bologna Biennial Conference
Featuring super-famous authors and illustrators, editors and art directors and agents!
Join us in Bologna, Italy, the weekend before the Bologna Children's Book Fair for a weekend packed with information and serious networking and workshopping, and then attend the Fair. Registration will become possible in the next week or so. Space is limited, so think about pre-registering.
For more info contact: Bologna(at)scbwi.org |
March 30-31 |
Bologna Book Fair
For more info contact: Tioka |
April 1 |
Red Wheelbarrow Contest Deadline

For contest guidelines: click here
For more info contact: Alice |
April 12 |
April 12 Atelier
Saturday, from 9:30-6:00pm
Parsons Paris
14, Rue Letellier
75015 Paris, France
Marketing Yourself to Editors & Art Directors
A roll-up-your-sleeves, full-day workshop
Rosemary Brosnan, Executive Editor, Harper Collins
Pascale Guyon-Gallet, Art Director, Bayard France
Kristen Epinasse, Author, Artist and Blogger!
If you think you have a book or portfolio ready to send to a publisher,
this one day workshop will help you:
target your submissions
revise your query material
improve your work through feedback from--a Harper Collins editor and
Bayard art director!
75 euros for SCBWI members; 85 euros for nonmembers
40 euros for a critique from Rosemary Brosnan or Pascale Guyone-Gallet
Please note, there are a limited number of critique and portfolio
review spaces.
advisor@scbwifrance.com for more details. |
May 15 |
Board Meeting
5:00 pm Board Meeting.
All are welcome to attend!
Contact Tioka for further details.
May 15
Savoir-Faire 4/4 |
Bridget Strevens-Marzo

wrote and illustrated her first stories about a boy who travels across Europe. Since then it's her illustrations that have traveled the most, in work published in France, the US, UK, Korea, Germany, Spain, China.... Her most recent book is HOW DO YOU MAKE A BABY SMILE?
Savoir-Faire with Bridget Strevens-Marzo
WICE, 20, boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris
Join us for a shoptalk led by a published pro. Find out about her
creative process. Pick up tips. Learn how to market your work. Get
feedback on your ideas. And ask lots of questions. Basically, come and
gain some savoir-faire.
For more info: Savoir_Faire_SCBwebflyer.pdf
Or contact: Tioka Tokedira |
May 31 |
SCBWI France & the Red Wheelbarrow
Creative Writing Contest Awards Party
with Master of ceremonies Jack Gantos.
Paris, France.
Contact Alice
at rwcontest@scbwifrance.com for more details. |
September 18 |
Show & Tell Picnic
Champ de Mars, 6:30-9pm (Sept 19 raindate)
Please contact Magda Schmit
17 |
SCBWI France Board Meeting
Wednesday, December 17
All members are invited to attend.
For more details, please contact
October 8
Metaphors & Similes:
A World of Images
A workshop led by Orel Protopopescu

“As writers, we draw on an inner fund of images that I call 'the well.' I think of this well like an inner pond, one that must be kept both stocked and freely flowing.” -- Julia Cameron, The Right to Write
Join us for an evening of writing exercises and a discussion designed to restock your pond. Here's a chance for writers and illustrators to learn more about using all of the senses to create better images.
You're welcome to bring work to share and lots of questions.
Orel Protopopescu, award-winning author and poet, has been published by major houses. Her book Two Sticks (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) is on Bank Street College of Education's Best Children's Books of the Year 2008 list.
Time: 6:30-9pm
Cost: 10 euros for SCBWI members
15 euros for nonmembers
Place: in the 17th, metro: Monceau, line 2
For directions RSVP to: advisor@scbwifrance.com.
See flyer for more details,
and please bring something for the potluck dinner.
More photos on event photos page
November 26 |
Show & Tell
Host: Sarah
RSVP: Sarah's mail
10 |
Marjane Satrapi
talk rescheduled!!!
New date : December 10!
Talk at Parsons
Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators

Go to this page
are some photos of recent SCBWI events
March 8, Meet the Author:
Jean-Jacques Greif
March 22, with Laurent Linn, Senior Designer for Henry Holt Books
July 5, Ellen Howard's visit to Paris
November 2-5, Sequester II at Royaumont Abbey
November 29, Why is the most important picture in a picture book invisible? : with Uri Shulevitz