Featured artist:
Bridget Strevens-Marzo
France is the French chapter of the Society of
Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (founded in 1971), based in Los Angeles with 20.000
members worldwide. SCBWI France was launched in
June 1996 and is now a dynamic group from a variety
of countries and backgrounds. About half of the
SCBWI France membership is made up of published
authors and illustrators; the other half is comprised
of aspiring creatives and industry professionals.
As a professional association of writers and illustrators,
SCBWI France organizes a wide range of activities,
including evenings with children’s book
publishers, authors and illustrators, writers'
workshops, exhibitions of works by illustrators
in the group and writing contests.
Membership in the Society of Children’s
Book Writers and Illustrators makes you part of
a global community of 20,000 children’s
publishing professionals and enthusiasts. Joining
SCBWI worldwide means you've joined SCBWI France.
As a member, you benefit from preferential rates
for participation in all SCBWI events worldwide,
which offer an invaluable network for sharing
your work.
You will also receive the monthly association
bulletin. You can join at www.scbwi.org
If you would like more information about SCBWI
France, please contact: advisor@scbwifrance.com |
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Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators

Tioka Tokedira
As the RA in France, Tioka's met some wonderful writers
and illustrators, publishers and young readers. They are a constant reminder
of how lucky she is to be
a part of the world of children's books. When she's not emailing the
rest of the SCooBwI Board
in the middle of the night with a flurry of ideas about our next great event, she's a YA acquisitions reader for
La Martinière publishers and trying her hand at ghost writing series fiction for Working Partners.
Before moving here, Tioka worked in New York and Washington on news and documentaries for PBS and the Discovery Channel. For the past seven years she's lived in Paris, although she recently traded her rooftop apartment for a boat so her exact address changes with the tides. She has a BS in education from BU and a MA
in anthropology from Columbia.
Tioka is currently looking for an agent for her tween eco-mystery set on the coast of France.

Dana Carey
began attending SCBWI France events in 2001 finally acting on a long simmering desire to get involved in the world of children's literature. She became a member in 2004 and joined the board of SCBWI France in 2009 working on publicity and
a Writer/Illustrator Retreat that was held
in Brittany.
For more about Dana,
just click on this
external link !