2006 Past Events |
February 2 |
Sempe', Rever pour Dessiner
Francoise Gallo will project her France 5 documentary (52') about the creative cartoonist Sempe' and talk about filming him in his different working environments.
Jean Jacques Sempe (1932-) was born in Bordeaux. He is one of France's most celebrated cartoonists, best known for his comics series, Le Petit Nicolas, written by Rene' Goscinny. He has also been a contributor to the The New Yorker magazine since 1978 and is a regular contributor to Paris Match and L'Express. http://readyourselfraw.com/profiles/sempe/profile_sempe.htm
7 pm, Parsons School of Design 14 rue Letellier 75015 Paris, metro La Motte Piquet-Grenelle
Pay at the door: SCBWI members 5 Euros (others 10 Euros) |
February 4-5 |
SCBWI 7th Annual Winter Conference on Writing and Illustrating for Children at the Hilton New York, NYC
For more information and to register go to: http:/scbwi.org/events.htm |
Saturday March 11 |
CREATION: A Morning of Song and Ink with poet songster Jack Prelutsky and illustrator extraordinaire Doug Cushman
Jack and Doug draw, sing and discuss their collaborative work, WHAT A DAY IT WAS AT SCHOOL at the International School of Paris, 13 rue Beethoven
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
5 Euros at the door pre-registered members
8 Euros at the door unregistered members
10 Euros non-members
For more info and to pre-register Doug Cushman |
Saturday March 18 |
Working from childhood. A Picture Book Workshop with Jan Ormerod
10:30 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 16:00 click to download flyer Beginning with an illustrated presentation of her own work in picture books, Jan Ormerod will conduct a creative workshop using our personal history and geography as a route into picture book conception. For all levels of writers and illustrators. Jan Ormerod is an award winning author and illustrator of over seventy picture books, published in twenty countries.
Parsons School of Design, 14 rue Letellier, 75015 Paris. Register before
March 1 to be eligible for the early bird rate of 40 Euros for SCBWI members or 50 Euros for non-members.
Contact Bridget Strevens |
Saturday/Sunday March 25-26 |
SCBWI/BolognaFiere Day-Before Conference: Words Across Pictures and Picturing Words at the Bologna Children's Book Fairgrounds, Bologna Italy.
A craft-based full-day conference in English. Scott Westerfeld is a keynote speaker. Scott is the authour of UGLIES, the first title in a sci-fi teen trilogy. http://www.scottwesterfeld.com
Join Authors and illustrators Scott Westerfeld, Justine Larbalestier, Sara Rojo, Doug Cushman. Editors: Victoria Arms/Bloomsbury, Judy Zylstra/Eerdmans, Mary Rodgers/Lerner, Anne McNeil/Hodder. Agents: Rosemary Canter/PFD, Barry Goldblatt/Barry Goldblatt Literary, Rosemary Stimola. Hands-on workshops and roundtable discussions: SCBWI Bologna, 25-26 March 2006 Register today
Find more info and register at: http://scbwi.org/events.htm and click on SCBWI@Bologna. Register before February 15th at only 95 Euros for SCBWI members. Fee includes conference, Sunday buffet lunch, coffee breaks and cocktail.
Contact Lawrence Schimel |
Monday March 27 - Thursday March 30 |
April 1
4th Annual Red Wheelbarrow Creative Writing Contest
Open to all children, ages 5-18, in the Paris area who write in English. Deadline for stories: 1 April 2006. Awards announced at the Awards Party in May 2006.
Details at: http://www.theredwheelbarrow.com/contest.html
Please click here for a copy of the guidelines. |
Tuesday April 27 |
Show and Tell
For more info and to RSVP or HOST the next Show and Tell
Contact Andi |
Friday May 12 |
Bayard Presse invite you to MIX AND MEET
This exclusive event will take place from 12:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Site to be announced. Come and neet Elena Iribarren, International Coordinator for Bayard Jeunesse, Marie Lallouet, editor and Pascale Guyon-Gallet, art director. Bayard read and publish in both English and French.
Limited places, by advance registration. Deadline for registration is 5 May. Not to be missed.
For information on Bayard Presse:
Presentations will be in English and French, with a translator on hand.
Contact Sandra |
May 18
4th Annual Red Wheelbarrow Creative Writing Awards Party
at Ecole Massillon, 18:00. Please click here for a copy of the invite. |
May 20 |
Writing Tips that Work: Fiction Plot and Character Workshop with Caroline Lawrence
In addition to exploring character, setting and bringing depth & texture to a story, Caroline Lawrence takes a close look at plot with focus on the seven points or ‘beats’ that every story should hit. Workshop is for all levels and includes exercises on first lines and using music in the creative process. Caroline Lawrence is the author of the Roman Mysteries series (ages 9-13) published by Orion Children’s Books. Rights have been sold to 14 countries.
At the International School of Paris, 13 rue Beethoven, 2 pm - 5:30 pm
Contact Emma |
Thursday June 8 |
Which Comes First: the Story or the Audience?
Workshop Preparation: Attendees Please Note!
Talk & workshop, 7:15 p.m. at the American Library of Paris. Explore the types of books published for children and young adults in this evening workshop with with Juanita Havill, author of Jamaica’s Find and other award-winning titles, including Booklove: Creating Good Books for Children in an Age that Values Neither.
Juanita is looking forward to meeting everyone. We want to make the most of our short time together on June 8th, so if you are planning to attend, please contact Erzsi and she will send you the workshop preparation.
Contact Erzsi to reserve your place and preparation |
Thursday September 21 |
Show and Tell / Meet and Greet
7:30 - 9:30 pm. September is just around the corner and SCBWI has organized another evening to share your latest trials and triumphs as writers and illustrators. We'd love to see new work for the Bologna illustrators show and sketches/outlines for the postcard contest.
New members welcome!
Please RSVP Andi for address and codes at Alyssa Landry’s place in the 11th arrondisement. |
September 23-30
Exact Date To Be Determined |
September 2006 meet-and-greet dinner with visiting author Kathleen Krull and illustrator Paul Brewer in Paris
Kathleen Krull and Paul Brewer will be in Paris from 23-30 September and would like to get together with SCBWI members for an informal dinner and chat. You can find out more about Kathleen at http://www.kathleenkrull.com (Paul's site is under construction).
Kathleen was a speaker at the first SCBWI Writers' Day way-back-when (I think it was 1996).
Please let Erzsi know if you'd like to join us. Exact date to be determined. |
October 14 |
Love at First Sight, Love to Draw with Tomie dePaola and Martha Rago
This two-in-one creative illustrators day will feature both a leading art director and artist. Tomie dePaola has written/illustrated over 200 childrens books; his books have been recognized with the Caldecott Honor Award and the Newbery Honor Award. Martha became the Associate Creative Director at HarperCollins Children’s books. She oversees the design and art direction of the picture book list, including the Estate programs of Shel Silverstein, C.S. Lewis, Laura Ingall’s Wilder. Attendees can enter a postcard contest with fabulous prizes. Postcard-poster. First prize will be a free SCBWI membership.
For registration contact Corbett |
November 16 |
Katy Couprie and Antonin Louchard Juxtaposed/Des Images Ensemble An exploration of the creative collaborative children's books by this innovative French illustrator duo.
10 euros SCBWI members, 15 euros non-members. 7:00 pm-9:30 pm, Parsons School of Design, 14 rue Letellier, 75015 Paris |
November 18, Munich Germany |
SCBWI Germany Inaugural Writers’ Day Join award-winning writer Markus Zusak, author of the "The Book Thief" (Winner - 2006 Kathleen Mitchell Award; Shortlisted - Best Book Award - 2006 Commonwealth Writers' Prize; Shortlisted - Australian Book Industry Awards 2006 - Australian Book of the Year) and Doug Cushman, author/illustrator; Erzsi Deàk, author; Michelle Kuhonta, publishing consultant; Michelle Perino, web consultant; Claudia Söffner, International Youth Library children’s book specialist. (Sign up for critique groups by Oct 30.)
Please click here for the informational flyer
More info: Jim or Angela |
November 22-27 |
Le Salon du livre et de la presse jeunesse à Montreuil en Seine-Saint-Denis An annual international event dedicated to the children's publishing
and multimedia industries. Intended for children's book industry
professionals as a place to meet and exchange information.
Venue: Halle d'Expositions, Montreuil
For more information: http://www.salon-livre-presse-jeunesse.net |
November 27 |
SCBWI Lunch at Le Salon du Livre et de la Presse Jeunesse in Montreuil en Seine-Saint-Denis SCBWI will organise a lunch on professional day, Monday November 27th, for members to meet and exchange their experiences at mid-day.
To reserve contact: Gail Noyer |
Thursday December 7 |
SCBWI Meet and Greet SCBWI has organized another evening to share your latest trials and triumphs as writers and illustrators. 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm. At Andrea Ipaktchi's place near Trocedero (rsvp for address and codes)
New members welcome!
RSVP: Andrea Ipaktchi |
Past Events |
January 1-30 |
Deadline for manuscripts and illustration sample sheets for SCBWI/Bologna 2005 Day-Before Conference to Erzsi Deàk. |
January 11 |
SCBWI France Annual Board Meeting & Show-N-Tell. Board meeting starts at 4PM; members are encouraged and welcome to attend. Show-N-Tell at 6:30PM. Goodbyes at 9PM. Please bring a hot dish and something to drink for the potluck and a recent publication or work-in-progress for Show-N-Tell time (3 minute limit/person). At the home of Ann Jacobus (ann@scbwifrance.com). |
March 17 |
Meet Benoît Jacques, illustrator, author and publisher
SCBWI France at Parsons Paris School of Design,
14 rue Letellier, 75015, Paris,
Thursday 17 March 2005 from 7pm.
(entry 5€ for SCBWI members, 10€ non-members, free for Parsons students)
Benoît Jacques’ drawings have appeared all over the internationalpress from The Times to The New Yorker, Die Zeit, Le Monde and El Pais. After his art training in Brussels, Benoît Jacques moved to London in 1979 and worked at Pentagram Design. After a brief period with R.O. Blechman in New York he continued as a freelance illustrator, moving to France with his family in 1991. Working for publishers like Ecole de Loisirs and Albin Michel, Benoît Jacques has also forged a unique reputation for the books he chooses to publish himself. Retaining control of every aspect of book production from conception and design to printing and distribution, his approach is distinctive and meticulous. His first book Play it by ear, a graphic digression with a musical theme was followed by Le bestiaire expressionniste, Oiseau lire and Le jardin du trait - all now sold out.
With Comique trip in 2001 he refreshed the comic book genre - constructing 17 stories using pictures and texts from newspapers, wine lables and Ikea instruction sheets. His books for children such as Je te tiens and Titi Nounours et la Sousoupe au Pilipili (2002) are gems of off-beat humour. You may also have seen Benoît Jacques’ popular flip books on the counter of bookshops like Chantelivre, the Paris children’s bookshop. Some of Benoît Jacques’ books will be on display and for sale at the talk in Parsons, Paris.
Info? b@bridgetstrevens.com
April 1 |
Deadline for 3rd Annual Red Wheelbarrow Creative Writing Contest Sponsored in cooperation with SCBWI France, Ecole Massillon and the Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore in Paris. Open to all English-writing Paris region children (ages 5-18). Click here for contest guidelines and how to format entries and registration form. For information, please click here.
If you are still unsure how to format your story, please see www.scbwi.org and click on Publications and then on “From Keyboard to Printed Page: Facts You Need to Know.” You’ll find everything you need to know about formatting your story and manuscript.
Most importantly, have fun writing!
Write the best story you can. Only readers become writers, so read one thousand books and write, write, write. That’s what writers do, write. Use your imagination. It’s the greatest! And remember your spelling and you’ll do swell! Only readers become writers, so read one thousand books and write, write, write. That’s what writers do, write. Use your imagination. It’s the greatest! And remember your spelling and you’ll do swell! Only readers become writers, so read one thousand books and write, write, write. |
April 12 |

A craft-based full-day conference in English sponsored by
the SCBWI & the Bologna International Children's Book Fair
Bologna Children's Book Fairgrounds
Only 85 Euros for SCBWI members worldwide!
Registration includes conference, lunch, and closing cocktail.
Workshops, Discussions with
Author Franny Billingsley (The Folk Keeper)
Artist/author G. Brian Karas (Atlantic)
Author/reviewer Leonard Marcus (Dear Genius, Parenting magazine)
Jennifer Wingertzahn (Clarion Books US)
Isabelle Bezard (Bayard editions, France)
Deirdre McDermott (Walker Books Ltd, UK), and others
Conference flyer click here (pdf 90kb)
Conference registration form click here (pdf 116kb)
Or Register today at http://www.scbwi.org/bologna.htm
Questions? daniellecaponi@tiscali.it
April 13-16 |
May 28
3rd Annual Red Wheelbarrow Creative Writing Contest Winners announced. Click here for the list of winners. You may purchase the booklet of First-Prize Stories at the Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore (22, rue St Paul 75004 Paris) for 4 Euros. All funds go to covering costs of the booklet.
The 2006 deadline is April 1st. Please click here for a copy of the guidelines. Thanks, again, to the kids and to the thirteen judges who volunteered to read the 140 stories! |
September 16-18
The Children's Writers and Illustrators Group of the British Society of Authors presents their three-yearly conference 'Shock of the New' in Oxford.
Speakers include Sara Fanelli, Nicola Davies, and David Fickling.
For further details and application forms email: enid.stephenson@3-c.coop |
September 19
The Association of Illustrators and SCBWI British Isles present
"Mice, Mothers and Others, a long hard look at character in illustration"
An illustrated talk by Bridget Strevens-Marzo
from 7pm to 9pm at the AOP gallery, 81 Leonard Street, LONDON, EC2A 4QS
Download details and booking form (pdf ~482 kb) or contact: annemarieillus@aol.com
November 4 - 7 |
A working writers' retreat
Abbaye de Royaumont in the French countryside (near Paris)
Last days for registration! Only a couple places left. Join 30 children's book creators for this professional working weekend retreat for writers and writer/illustrators. Three-and-a-half days of inspiring lectures, workshops, and time to create. Workshop leaders include authors Sharon Darrow and Esther Hershenhorn, and editors Mary Lee Donovan (Candlewick US) and Ann McNeil (Hodder UK). Price: SCBWI Members 790 Euros -- includes three and a half days with single room, all meals, and instruction. Traveling internationally? Receive a discount! Contact Ann Jacobus for registration form.
Pay in Euros or US Dollars via PayPal, US or French check. Click [click here to contact Erzsi] for PayPal info. Registration closes October 1st, 2005.
[Click here for Registration Form (pdf 183kb)]
sequester /sI’kwest?(r)/ v. tr. 1 seclude, isolate, set apart (sequester oneself from the world). (The Concise Oxford Dictionary)
Join us for a unique professional working experience with editors Anne McNeil (Hodder UK) and Mary Lee Donovan (Candlewick US) and authors/workshoppers Sharon Darrow (The Painters of Lexieville & more) and Esther Hershenhorn (Fancy That & more).
What’s up. . .
- Three-and-a-half days dedicated to you, your work and sharing in the writing process with a small group of professional writers and editors for children at an exquisite location. (You can visit the Abbaye on-line at: http://www.royaumont.com)
- Small groups, individual attention
- All meals, single room
- Places are limited, so we encourage you to reserve fast
- today, even!
- Take advantage of the big savings if you register by November 30, 2004.
- Please [click here for your registration form (pdf 107kb)] (and send it in!)
Small type: This retreat is geared to advanced or published writers. For beginners, we recommend that you attend an SCBWI event dedicated to the nuts-n-bolts and other aspects of writing and illustrating for children. Please see the Events page on www.scbwifrance.com or www.scbwi.org. Retreat program and speakers subject to change without notice. No refunds unless someone on the waiting list can take your place. Limited to 35 attendees. First come, first served. Thanks for your understanding! This retreat is organized by SCBWI volunteers. Questions: [click here for Erzsi] |
June 3 |
Show and Tell
Please click here for the informational flyer
Contact Andi |
November 30 -December 5 |
Le Salon du livre et de la presse jeunesse à Montreuil en Seine-Saint-Denis
Pour assister aux JOURNEES PROFESSIONELLES. ACCREDITEZ-VOUS SUR: http://www.salon-livre-presse-jeunesse.net |
Monday December 5 |
SCBWI lunch at the Montreuil Salon Have a break and compare notes during Journée professionelle a short walk from the fair at the restaurant Les Jardins de Montreuil click for map (10 - 15 euro menu)
Contact Gail Noyer to reserve a place |
Past Events |
6-9 August |
SCBWI Annual Conference in Los Angeles.
A craft-based, inspirational 4-day conference with children’s luminaries and rising stars. For details: www.scbwi.org |
September 23 - October 16 |
Pictures at Play / Images pour les Enfants
The Mona Bismarck Fondation, 34 ave de New York, Paris 16e Preparatory and finished work, illustrations and objects by Claude Delafosse, Barbara McClintock, David McKee, Malika Doray, John Shelley, Doug Cushman, Bridget Strevens-Marzo et other international creators in children’s publishing.
Contact: k.archer@noos.fr
Images pour les Enfants / Pictures at Play
Fondation Mona Bismarck 34 ave de New York, Paris 16e maquettes, esquisses, objets et illustrations de Claude Delafosse, Barbara McClintock, David McKee, Malika Doray et d’autres créateurs pour la presse et l’édition jeunesse française et internationale. Renseignements: k.archer@noos.fr |
Friday October 15
7 9pm (19h-21h) |
In the Mona Bismarck Foundation
An informal discussion on writing about pictures with Leonard Marcus and Elisabeth Lortic
info: b@bridgetstrevens.com
A la Fondation Mona Bismarck (voir ci-dessous)
Entretien informel sur le thème de la critique de l’image avec Leonard Marcus et Elisabeth Lortic renseignements: b@bridgetstrevens.com |
Saturday October 16 |
SCBWI France children’s literature conference in Paris. From Picture Books to Teen Lit
with Editor Nancy Mercado, Dial/Penguin, Author/Editor Tony Bradman, Author/Reviewer Leonard Marcus, Editor Abigail Samoun Tricycle Press. Manuscript and Portfolio Reviews available to SCBWI members by reservation. Download details and registration form (pdf ~134 kb). Contact ann@scbwifrance.com |
15 |
for illustrators’ entries to
arrive for Bologna Children’s
Book Fair
Illustrators Exhibition. Details and
entry form on site at www.bookfair.bolognafiere.it |