... from Spring 2013
30 Poets 30 Days is the poetic brainchild of Greg Pincus. On Saturday, 6 April, 2013, read OLYMPIC SPROUTS by the Coop's porcine poet (PIGMARES), Doug Cushman
Two Chicks Take the Stage
Two Chicks Take the Stage at TOC Bologna: Sarah Towle and Julie Hedlund Talk Digital
Authors and Illustrators: The Opportunities and Challenges in Creating Digitally.
The market for storyapps, digital interactive projects, and eBooks continues to explode, but how can authors, illustrators, digital artists and other creators take an idea from concept to completion – and the marketplace? In this session, authors Julie Hedlund and Sarah Towle, join illustrator/writer/animator/designers Sylvia van Ommen and Maurice van der Bijand to discuss the opportunities and challenges that digital presents to creators. Come say, "Hello!" if you are there!
New chick Julie Hedlund in-the-news!
Oink! Oink! Oink!
Doug Cushman's Pigmares:
Porcine Poems
of the Silver Screen (Charlesbridge)
is a Children's Choice book!
Check-out page 9!
Pdf here !
... and beginning 2013, Winter :
Time Traveler Tours -- the iBook!
The Coop's Sarah Towle takes Beware Madame la Guillotine to the next level. Read on!
The Hen&ink Literary Studio
North American Grand Conference Tour 2013:
If you're attending any of these events, hope to see you there.
Starting in Montreal, Erzsi treks (okay, takes the bus) to Burlington for Kindling Words East before flying to Austin, TX, for the SCBWI KICK IT UP A NOTCH February 8-10 and onto American Night Writers Association Annual Conference in Mesa, AZ, 21-23 February and then to Asilomar near Monterey, CA, for the SCBWI SFS 30th Annual Conference.
Austin SCBWI 2013
Regional Conference
February 8-10, 2013
Austin, TX, USA
American Night Writers
21st Annual Conference
Mesa, Arizona, USA
February 21-23, 2013
JUST LIKE THEM on IBBY 2013 list
IBBY (the International Board of Books for Young People). They've chosen the bilingual picture book IGUAL QUE ELLOS/JUST LIKE THEM (written by Lawrence Schimel and illustrated by Hen & ink “chick” Doug Cushman) for their 2013 Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities list! So far, the book has been published in thirteen languages: Spanish-English, Catalan-English, Basque-English, Galician-English, Slovenian-English, German-English, German-Spanish, German-French, German-Russian, German-Italian, German-Polish, German-Greek, and German-Turkish. The list and accompanying exhibition will officially be launched at the 2013 Bologna Book Fair.
http://www.ibby.org/ |
- Janvier 2013 - Epigram Books -
Sherlock Sam
and the Missing Heirloom
in Katong!
by A. J. Low
Kid Detective Sherlock Sam and Robot Sidekick Watson Solve Mysteries Around Singapore Award-winning children’s book authors Adeline Foo of The Diary of Amos Lee and Emily Lim of Prince Bear and Pauper Bear are among the adults who have been won over by the first book of this new series, calling the boy-and-robot team “one of Singapore’s favourite detective duos”.
Written by husband-and-wife team A. J. Low, the idea was conceptualised by Epigram Books.
You'll be able to find a sample chapter on: http://www.epigrambooks.sg
- NOVEMBER 2012 -
Epigram Books
A new Home for
Bo Bo and Cha Cha
by Jason Erik Lundberg
Bo Bo and Cha Cha have come to the Mandai Zoo! Bo Bo is excited, but Cha Cha is not. Everything here seems too strange: the other animals, the heat, and the food! Cha Cha wants to leave—until a caring sloth shows her what being home really means.
A New Home for Bo Bo and Cha Cha:


No matter how hard Holly tries, she just can’t seem to sing—and her brothers and sisters make fun of her. So she runs away from her family. It is only when her mother finds her that Holly learns that there is something more important than being able to sing well.
The Nightingale Who Couldn't Sing:
http://www.epigrambooks.sg |
- JANUARY 2013 -
Epigram Books
The Big Spell Off
by Adeline Foo
Whoopie’s now 10. She’s smart and sassy—but hardly famous. So she’s decided to do something about it: she’ll join Singapore’s National Spell Off Championship! But wait, there’s a problem. Morticia, her best friend, wants to compete too. Now that really is a BIG complication! There can only be ONE Spelling Bee champ!
In their fight for fame, will the two girls have to sacrifice their friendship?
Whoopie Lee: The Big Spell Off
(Book 2):

__ |
- Aril 2013 -
Epigram Books
- The Art
of Charlie Chan Hock Chye
by Sonny Liew |
The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye is a biography showcasing the life and work of Chan Hock Chye, a pioneering but largely forgotten comic artist in Singapore. With a career spanning more than five decades, from pre-independence Singapore through its three Prime Ministers, Chan's work reflects the changing political and economic environment in Singapore. Containing Chan's original illustrations, paintings and sketches, this is a groundbreaking work by Sonny Liew, a labour of love aimed at recapturing the portrait of an artist, whose deep passion for comics and country ought to have a place in our history books. World rights available.
Contact link
http://comicsandcola.blogspot.fr |
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