... for Winter and early Spring 2014
15 FEBRUARY 2014
from 12:00 to 24:00
What to submit? We are looking for exciting and original novels with a twist of magic, science fiction or some undiscovered spice for children ages 8 to 12 years-old, somewhere in the ballpark of 45,000 words (give or take ten thousand words) for the manuscript. Love great voice and a page-turning plot with emotional resonance and the unexpected inevitable ending. And of course fantastic tension and intelligent humor. Please send chapters 1, 2, 8 and the final chapter embedded in the email with your pitch and bio at the end of the email. If your novel is illustrated, please send 2-3 sample spreads embedded as well.
Send submissions to:
The usual rules apply: Any submissions received before 12 Noon or after Midnight on Saturday, 15 February 2014, will not be accepted.
Response time: If we are interested in seeing more of your manuscript we will be in contact with you directly via email, ideally within six weeks. If you have not heard from us within six weeks, you may reasonably assume that we won't be following up on your submission. Please note that we are unable to engage in correspondence.
Current favorite middle-grade titles include: A SNICKER OF MAGIC, THREE TIMES LUCKY, A FACE LIKE GLASS, THE TOP SECRET DIARY OF PIG, THE KINGDOM OF SILK series, SUNNY SWEET series. Upcoming titles that we love and to watch for: THE MARK OF THE DRAGONFLY (March 2014) and THE BOX AND THE DRAGONFLY (no relation to the previous title; due out in 2015).
Go to Submission page ... |
Picture book Hip! Hip! Hurrahs! Big news for Andrea Zuill coming soon! Laura Gehl’s THE TORTOISE & THE HARE coming from Kar-Ben and her PEEP & EGG picture books coming from FSG. Bridget Strevens-Marzo’s TIZ & OTT find a home – watch this space!
Carmen Oliver
In the Jan/Feb SCBWI Bulletin check out Carmen Oliver’s article
“Five SCBWI Regions Round ‘Em Up: Making Connections Across State Lines”
Carmen Oliver’s story, “My Little Tool Shack,” to pub in the March 2014
Pocket’s magazine.
Connie Fleming’s novel, OVER A BARREL, won the 2013 Southern Breeze (SCBWI) Novel Contest.
Julie Hedlund
My good news is the print release of A TROOP IS A GROUP OF MONKEYS - now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound, etc. In addition, Julie’s Kickstarter campaign for the hybrid publishing project, MY LOVE FOR YOU IS LIKE THE SUN is a success! Read more here.
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